Premium Food Intolerance Test

Do you a need food intolerence test?

When food particles enter the bloodstream, your immune system can, for some individuals, identify these food proteins as ‘foreign’ and produces IgG antibodies to ‘attack’ the particular food in question.

This response is the immune system’s natural defence mechanism to ward off harmful invaders in the body which can create inflammation. Inflammation can trigger troublesome symptoms, which can persist if they are neglected.

Some typical symptoms include bloating, wind, abdominal pain, IBS, lethargy, anxiety, weight gain, headaches, inflammatory skin complaints, rashes, eczema and acne to name but a few.

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‘Premium Intolerence Food Test’

‘IBS Affects On Health & Skin’


Premium Food Intolerance Test

Your wellness practitioner Angela, will perform the simple test in clinic. A follow up consultation will provide the results and wellness advice.

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£50 OFF

Take a comprehensive food and drink intolerance test to find out whether you have an intolerance to 200 food and drink ingredients.

1 Test £199 – Now £149

Food Intolerance Test Offer Valid Until 30.04.24

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What our customers say

I recently visited the clinic for millia removal and a deep cleanse facial. Angela did a fantastic job on some very tricky millia and the facial was brilliant. I had dry, red and flaky skin thanks to the joys of winter weather after this facial it has completely disappeared and my skin has been glowing.

Lisa Hall

What our customers say

I recently visited the clinic for millia removal and a deep cleanse facial. Angela did a fantastic job on some very tricky millia and the facial was brilliant. I had dry, red and flaky skin thanks to the joys of winter weather after this facial it has completely disappeared and my skin has been glowing.

Lisa Hall