Lorisian Functional

Laboratory Testing

Functional laboratory testing can be utilised to help identify imbalances in the body, and enable our wellness practitioners to design a program specific to your health care needs.

Results are used to determine diet, lifestyle and treatment suggestions, and to fine-tune a wellness program, allowing more rapid and effective results.

It is also true that for some people, seeing an issue in the black and white of a test result can increase the motivation needed to make changes to diet & lifestyle, incorporate treatments and can enhance results.

If you are interested in discussing a test, please do get in touch to decide which is best for you.

Are You A Suitable Candidate?

Guidance on whether you would be a suitable candidate for a test can be provided during a health strategy consultation, GP or a wellness practitioner referral.

Functional laboratory testing enables you to have the scientific proof and understanding of the health in your body.

Everyday life with all of its stressors, diet and lifestyle choices can lead to imbalance in the body which can manifest as a myriad of physical and emotional symptoms which can impact the quality of one’s life.

By embarking on functional laboratory testing and exploring the underlying causes for symptoms opens the possibility to achieve great health and vitality, prevent future illness and debilitation.

Taking a test will ascertain as to whether you need to make lifestyle or dietary changes, take supplements, seek wellness treatments and therapies or visit a GP.


Pre Testing


Are there any restrictions to taking a test?

Some tests you may have to avoid certain foods or taking certain supplements for a few days beforehand.

Some tests are not available to individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking hormonal contraception, hormone replacement therapy, or under 18 years of age.

Some tests need to be carried out at a specific time of day.

The specific instructions will be provided by the practitioner prior to each test.

Common Functional Laboratory Tests

Which tests are most common?

Premium Food Intolerance Test
When food particles enter the bloodstream, your immune system can, for some individuals, identify these food proteins as ‘foreign’ and produces IgG antibodies to ‘attack’ the particular food in question.

This response is the immune system’s natural defence mechanism to ward off harmful invaders in the body which can create inflammation. Inflammation can trigger troublesome symptoms, which can persist if they are neglected.

Here are some typical symptoms:

  • Bloating
  • Wind
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety
  • Weight gain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headaches
  • Skin concerns such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, itchy skin & hives

Take a comprehensive food and drink intolerance test to find out whether you have an intolerance to 200 food and drink ingredients.

Food & Environmental Allergy Test

The Food & Environmental Allergy Test will find out your IgE reactions to foods and environmental factors, (as described in the Premium Food Intolerance Test information). Allergies can present with various symptoms which can be life-changing; our accurate test will help you to understand what might be contributing.

Here are some typical symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

An anaphylactic reaction can potentially be fatal, so there’s no time to waste in finding out what foods could be the issue.

Take a scientific approach by taking a food allergy test. Tests for 23 foods and 19 environmental allergens.

Stress (Cortisol) Test
A small amount of stress can be seen as a good thing, helping you to cope day to day. However, when stress levels start to increase and are neglected it can lead to chronic stress which can impact on health and daily life in lots of different ways.

Here are some typical symptoms:

  • Rapid heart rate or heart palpitations
  • Shallow breathing
  • Irritability
  • Flutters in the tummy
  • Digestive complaints
  • Tight chest
  • Tense neck & shoulders
  • Mood swings
  • Erratic decision making
  • Sleep issues
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Inflammatory skin complaints, rashes, eczema, acne

Check your level of cortisol, your stress hormone. Identify whether your stress hormone levels could be impacting your life, your immunity and your health.

Vitamin D Test
The body makes vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin. This vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and muscle, as well as regulating the amount of nutrients in your body. Vitamin D deficiency can impact your everyday health in lots of different ways.

Vitamin D deficiency can be hard to detect because symptoms may take months to appear, or you may experience no symptoms at all. However, there are a few signs and symptoms to look out for:

  • Frequent illness & infections
  • Fatigue & tiredness
  • Bone & back pain
  • Depression & or anxiety
  • Slow wound healing
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle pain
  • Weight gain

Take the Vitamin D test If any of the list below relates to you.

  • Are not exposed to much sunlight
  • Are over 65 years old
  • Wear sunscreen everyday
  • Have darker skin
  • Are intrigued to find out more

Take a test to ascertain your Vitamin D levels and course of action.

Cholesterol Test
There are no particular warning signs of a high cholesterol, which is why it is important to undertake a blood test to determine cholesterol blood levels.

Take the cholesterol test If any of the list below relates to you.

  • Eat too many foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fats
  • Smoke
  • Overweight or obese
  • Diabetic (or pre-diabetic)
  • Drink too much alcohol
  • Potentially have a genetic disorder such as familial hypercholesterolaemia
  • Do not exercise regularly
  • Concerned about a family history of heart disease or stroke

High cholesterol can increase your chances of strokes, heart attacks and other forms of heart disease. Take a test to ascertain your cholesterol levels and course of action.

Essential Health Check Test
The Essential Health Check tests for 18 different health markers, it measures vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron deficiency, cholesterol and triglycerides, and liver function levels in your blood. These results provide essential information about your health that you can act upon.

Your health is influenced by many factors including your age, lifestyle, family history and diet. Begin the journey to improving your health and wellbeing with the Essential Health Check test.

Ideal to take as an annually as a maintenance health check.

Vitamin D – See information above

Vitamin B12 – has many roles in your body. It plays a really important role in red blood cell production and helps your nervous system to function properly. Vitamin B12 levels are important for aspects including boosting your energy, improving your memory and helping prevent heart disease.

A number of factors can contribute to vitamin B12 deficiency, these include:

  • Vegan diet
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Some medications
  • Pernicious anaemia; a condition which limits vitamin B12 absorption
  • Suffering from coeliac disease or Crohn’s disease
  • Over 50 years; you might not produce sufficient stomach acid for the absorption of vitamin B12

Iron Deficiency – Ferritin is a protein that stores iron in the body. Ferritin is the most useful indicator of iron deficiency as stores can be decreased before any blood iron levels are low. The test can also indicate if blood iron stores are too high. If your body is storing too much or too little iron would require a follow up testing from a GP.

Symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia can include:

  • Tiredness
  • Lack of energy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations)
  • Paler than usual skin
  • Headaches

Cholesterol – See information above

Liver Function – The liver is responsible for functions vital to life. The liver primarily processes nutrients from foods, removes toxins from the body and builds proteins. It breaks down fats, it converts glucose into energy stores and produces hormones. It also helps your body fight infections.

Symptoms of liver deficiency can include:

  • Yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, called jaundice. Yellowing of the skin might be harder to see on black or brown skin
  • Belly pain and swelling
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine
  • Pale stool
  • Constant tiredness
  • Nausea or vomiting

Other Functional Tests are available such as:

  • Menopause / Female Hormone Profile
  • Male Hormone Profile
  • & Many More
More F & Q's

What does taking a functional laboratory test involve?

Testing involves taking a simple finger prick sample of your blood, using a small sterilised lancet at clinic. Your sample is then dispatched to the Lorisian laboratories who fully safeguard the stability and security of your sample. Results are provided within 7 days. Each result profile provides hospital standard, easy-to-read traffic light results for you take home.

Your practitioner will refer you to the most appropriate in clinic wellness practitioner to create a personalised program to suit you and your health care needs.

Supporting literature and guides are also provided to help you make effective diet and lifestyle changes.

Why have a functional laboratory test?
Functional laboratory testing can be utilised to help identify imbalances in the body, and enable our wellness practitioners to design a program specific to your health care needs.

We work together to find the source of any issues and an inspiring program that fits your health needs and lifestyle.

Functional laboratory testing can be used to evaluate:

  • Food intolerances
  • Food allergies
  • Gut issues
  • Thyroid function
  • Liver/kidney function
  • Hormone levels
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Vitamin D, B12 deficiency
  • Iron deficiency
  • Stress (Cortisol) levels
  • & other possible issues

Does it hurt?
Each individual has varied pain threshold to taking a finger prick sample of blood. It is a very quick procedure, and care is taken to make it as comfortable as possible.

How many tests do I need?
This depends on many factors such as the individuals presents health symptoms, diet, stress, hormone influences, lifestyle and hereditary conditions.

How quickly will I get the results?
Test results are received in 7 working days.

How efficient are the tests?
Lorisian laboratory has a 98% reproducibility rate. This means that, on average, two separate tests carried out with the same person’s sample (taken on the same day) will correlate with each other 98% of the time.


Functional medicine tests can provide a much clearer picture of the underlying causes for your symptoms, and therefore, allow resolution of previously difficult to address and treat problems.

You will receive a comprehensive analysis of the laboratory test results from your practitioner and supporting diet and lifestyle advice, along with wellness treatment suggestions to help resolve any issues.

Price & Practitioner

Free 15 Minute Chat

Premium Food Intolerance Test £199
Food & Environmental Allergy Test £199
Stress (Cortisol) Test £59
Vitamin D Test £59
Cholesterol Test £59
Essential Health Check Test £79
Liver Function Test £59

The financial investment toward your present and long-term health will be well worth it!


Angela Taffinder





Relaxing Restorative Yoga with Angela This was my first ever attempt at something more calming with exercise – having never ventured into the wonderful world of yoga before yet always window shopping and wanting to try yet slightly intimidated by the breath work and poses. I work within Investment Banking and the restorative style yoga sounded just the ticket.

Angela is awesome. Clear, concise, warm and super encouraging and super demonstrative- you feel she’s actually beside you and it’s a personalised 1-1 session. Angela is so knowledgeable and passionate about yoga that it oozes from her effortlessly. She’s a total natural and has your attention from go.

Loved this and was just what I needed for an ultra restful sleep.

Rachel Penny

I recently started one to one yoga sessions with Angela, under duress from my partner may I add, so I was actually dreading it. Angela put me at ease immediately, her guidance was clear and she was very compassionate to a newbie. I am 8 weeks in and I must admit do feel a lot better all round…..


Angela’s classes really suit my specific needs. I work fom home, at my desk and I struggle to fit in any movement during my busy day. Angela has hit the nail on the head, with 30 minute, seated stretching and conditioning classes that I can do from my desk during my lunch break. The classes are easy to follow, fun, personal and motivating both mind and body. I love Angela’s technique, tone and patience!


Thank you angela for really informative online classes – thoroughly enjoyed them and , having recently been diagnosed with Afib, I found the breathing techniques invaluable.


Angela is simply the best.
She has completely turned around my skin – I really couldn’t be happier with the results. Angela has so much experience, and so much advice – there are always different options and avenues to explore.
I really couldn’t recommend more


Angela is simply the best. I’ve been one of her clients for nearly 7 years and I can’t recommend her more highly. She has tailor made me a bespoke milia removal/ face rejuvenation treatment and I wouldn’t be without it! She has so much experience and knowledge and never fails to work her magic. Her treatments are so much more than your bog standard facial, she knows exactly what your skin needs and explains everything along the way. I promise you won’t find any one better.


Angela has been caring for my skin for the last 25 years. Her treatments are bespoke, addressing whatever is currently going on with my skin. I have a monthly triple treatment which seems to be exactly what my skin needs at the moment. During lockdown, my skin missed her amazing treatments & careful attention.


I went in having let my milia run riot during lockdown and I was super impressed to leave the treatment not only without a mark but with totally revived skin after the facial. I also love that there is no “paint by numbers” approach to the treatment, you feel that you’re getting an experience tailored to your skin’s needs. I have and would continue to recommend.


I have been going to Angela for years and she really knows my skin and what treatments to give … I totally trust her and have recommended her to many of my friends who also love her . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED XXX


Transformed my acne!
I have been coming to Emporium Treatments for almost a year and each time I leave, I’m even more in love with my skin. When I had my initial treatment with Angela, my skin was suffering from active acne and scarring. Angela provided a tailored treatment plan for myself, explaining every step clearly and since then my skin has improved dramatically. She has really helped with my overall confidence. I would highly recommend.


Angela always provides the best service, no matter which of the many treatments you choose. Booking is a breeze, and punctuality is proven. My chosen treatment was conducted quickly, professionally, and thoroughly. The results consistently exceed my expectations! I always look forward to my next appointment.


Angela at Emporium is amazing!
I have recurring milia so I’m constantly coming to see her for extractions. Before my first visit she answered all of my questions and made me feel like she really cared before I’d even met her.
I have hundreds of milia and every session she has the patience of a saint, removing each one by hand.
It’s a bit of a painful procedure but she’s so lovely and friendly that I feel at ease the second I step through the door and she always works her magic quickly and carefully, using lots of cooling and soothing aftercare to help calm down my skin.
Over the years, she’s put so much time in to helping me work out what’s causing them and how to prevent future flare ups.
I have been to other places for milia removal in the past but Angela is by far the best (and more reasonably priced than some of the bigger companies). I wouldn’t even dream of going anywhere else now.


Emporium is my go to for facial treatments – Angela is one of London’s best kept secrets. Her technique is superb, far beyond what any branded beauty salon can do.

Anna Marie

I have been going to Angela (Emporium) around 6 years now and she always manages to clear my skin and keep me looking youthful with her up to date advance treatments,My personal favourite is the Green peel and Microneedling facial as well as various body treatments I have had here to .I always leave with a glow and get compliments highly reccomend x


Five-star experience!
Couldn’t recommend Angela (Emporium) more highly! I’ve be going for bespoke facials for a number of years and have always felt a truly pampered. The facials are tailored to your skin type and she is *the best* at milia removal. Angela has always been able to accommodate appointments around my work schedule, and at short notice, and I’ve been more than happy to recommend to friends.


I’ve been going to Angela for the last 25/30 years. In between I’ve tried other places and practitioners but always end up going back to Emporium. Angela understands my skin, right from the beginning when I had acne and pigmentation to now where my skin needs are different. I appreciate her experience and knowledge, my skin looks and feels great. Highly recommend.


Angela’s facials have literally transformed my skin. I met Angela back in October last year, and my only regret is not going to see her sooner. My skin was ruined by a couple of badly chosen laser treatments earlier in the year and after my first facial with Angela I felt so much better about myself, she cleared my skin completely and made me love it again! I think I’m a little addicted to her treatments now, she knows a lot about skin care and tailors the facial to exactly what your skin needs. I’m so happy to have found her. 5/5 review from me!


Excellent Milia Removal
Attended Emporium Treatment Clinic for milia removal. Great experience – friendly, well-priced and effective. Will definitely be recommending to friends.


Angela is a fantastic practitioner and a lovely person. I’ve had many successful facials and treatments with her over the past few years. I trust her advice completely. She’s never pushed any treatments or products, but is always open to suggesting new solutions.


Angela is simply the best.
She has completely turned around my skin – I really couldn’t be happier with the results. Angela has so much experience, and so much advice – there are always different options and avenues to explore.
I really couldn’t recommend more


Angela is simply the best. I’ve been one of her clients for nearly 7 years and I can’t recommend her more highly. She has tailor made me a bespoke milia removal/ face rejuvenation treatment and I wouldn’t be without it! She has so much experience and knowledge and never fails to work her magic. Her treatments are so much more than your bog standard facial, she knows exactly what your skin needs and explains everything along the way. I promise you won’t find any one better.


Angela has been caring for my skin for the last 25 years. Her treatments are bespoke, addressing whatever is currently going on with my skin. I have a monthly triple treatment which seems to be exactly what my skin needs at the moment. During lockdown, my skin missed her amazing treatments & careful attention.


I went in having let my milia run riot during lockdown and I was super impressed to leave the treatment not only without a mark but with totally revived skin after the facial. I also love that there is no “paint by numbers” approach to the treatment, you feel that you’re getting an experience tailored to your skin’s needs. I have and would continue to recommend.


I have been going to Angela for years and she really knows my skin and what treatments to give … I totally trust her and have recommended her to many of my friends who also love her . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED XXX


Transformed my acne!
I have been coming to Emporium Treatments for almost a year and each time I leave, I’m even more in love with my skin. When I had my initial treatment with Angela, my skin was suffering from active acne and scarring. Angela provided a tailored treatment plan for myself, explaining every step clearly and since then my skin has improved dramatically. She has really helped with my overall confidence. I would highly recommend.


Angela always provides the best service, no matter which of the many treatments you choose. Booking is a breeze, and punctuality is proven. My chosen treatment was conducted quickly, professionally, and thoroughly. The results consistently exceed my expectations! I always look forward to my next appointment.


Angela at Emporium is amazing!
I have recurring milia so I’m constantly coming to see her for extractions. Before my first visit she answered all of my questions and made me feel like she really cared before I’d even met her.
I have hundreds of milia and every session she has the patience of a saint, removing each one by hand.
It’s a bit of a painful procedure but she’s so lovely and friendly that I feel at ease the second I step through the door and she always works her magic quickly and carefully, using lots of cooling and soothing aftercare to help calm down my skin.
Over the years, she’s put so much time in to helping me work out what’s causing them and how to prevent future flare ups.
I have been to other places for milia removal in the past but Angela is by far the best (and more reasonably priced than some of the bigger companies). I wouldn’t even dream of going anywhere else now.


Emporium is my go to for facial treatments – Angela is one of London’s best kept secrets. Her technique is superb, far beyond what any branded beauty salon can do.

Anna Marie

I have been going to Angela (Emporium) around 6 years now and she always manages to clear my skin and keep me looking youthful with her up to date advance treatments,My personal favourite is the Green peel and Microneedling facial as well as various body treatments I have had here to .I always leave with a glow and get compliments highly reccomend x


Five-star experience!
Couldn’t recommend Angela (Emporium) more highly! I’ve be going for bespoke facials for a number of years and have always felt a truly pampered. The facials are tailored to your skin type and she is *the best* at milia removal. Angela has always been able to accommodate appointments around my work schedule, and at short notice, and I’ve been more than happy to recommend to friends.


I’ve been going to Angela for the last 25/30 years. In between I’ve tried other places and practitioners but always end up going back to Emporium. Angela understands my skin, right from the beginning when I had acne and pigmentation to now where my skin needs are different. I appreciate her experience and knowledge, my skin looks and feels great. Highly recommend.


Angela’s facials have literally transformed my skin. I met Angela back in October last year, and my only regret is not going to see her sooner. My skin was ruined by a couple of badly chosen laser treatments earlier in the year and after my first facial with Angela I felt so much better about myself, she cleared my skin completely and made me love it again! I think I’m a little addicted to her treatments now, she knows a lot about skin care and tailors the facial to exactly what your skin needs. I’m so happy to have found her. 5/5 review from me!


Excellent Milia Removal
Attended Emporium Treatment Clinic for milia removal. Great experience – friendly, well-priced and effective. Will definitely be recommending to friends.


Angela is a fantastic practitioner and a lovely person. I’ve had many successful facials and treatments with her over the past few years. I trust her advice completely. She’s never pushed any treatments or products, but is always open to suggesting new solutions.


Angela is simply the best.
She has completely turned around my skin – I really couldn’t be happier with the results. Angela has so much experience, and so much advice – there are always different options and avenues to explore.
I really couldn’t recommend more


Angela is simply the best. I’ve been one of her clients for nearly 7 years and I can’t recommend her more highly. She has tailor made me a bespoke milia removal/ face rejuvenation treatment and I wouldn’t be without it! She has so much experience and knowledge and never fails to work her magic. Her treatments are so much more than your bog standard facial, she knows exactly what your skin needs and explains everything along the way. I promise you won’t find any one better.


Angela has been caring for my skin for the last 25 years. Her treatments are bespoke, addressing whatever is currently going on with my skin. I have a monthly triple treatment which seems to be exactly what my skin needs at the moment. During lockdown, my skin missed her amazing treatments & careful attention.


I went in having let my milia run riot during lockdown and I was super impressed to leave the treatment not only without a mark but with totally revived skin after the facial. I also love that there is no “paint by numbers” approach to the treatment, you feel that you’re getting an experience tailored to your skin’s needs. I have and would continue to recommend.


I have been going to Angela for years and she really knows my skin and what treatments to give … I totally trust her and have recommended her to many of my friends who also love her . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED XXX


Transformed my acne!
I have been coming to Emporium Treatments for almost a year and each time I leave, I’m even more in love with my skin. When I had my initial treatment with Angela, my skin was suffering from active acne and scarring. Angela provided a tailored treatment plan for myself, explaining every step clearly and since then my skin has improved dramatically. She has really helped with my overall confidence. I would highly recommend.


Angela always provides the best service, no matter which of the many treatments you choose. Booking is a breeze, and punctuality is proven. My chosen treatment was conducted quickly, professionally, and thoroughly. The results consistently exceed my expectations! I always look forward to my next appointment.


Angela at Emporium is amazing!
I have recurring milia so I’m constantly coming to see her for extractions. Before my first visit she answered all of my questions and made me feel like she really cared before I’d even met her.
I have hundreds of milia and every session she has the patience of a saint, removing each one by hand.
It’s a bit of a painful procedure but she’s so lovely and friendly that I feel at ease the second I step through the door and she always works her magic quickly and carefully, using lots of cooling and soothing aftercare to help calm down my skin.
Over the years, she’s put so much time in to helping me work out what’s causing them and how to prevent future flare ups.
I have been to other places for milia removal in the past but Angela is by far the best (and more reasonably priced than some of the bigger companies). I wouldn’t even dream of going anywhere else now.


Emporium is my go to for facial treatments – Angela is one of London’s best kept secrets. Her technique is superb, far beyond what any branded beauty salon can do.

Anna Marie

I have been going to Angela (Emporium) around 6 years now and she always manages to clear my skin and keep me looking youthful with her up to date advance treatments,My personal favourite is the Green peel and Microneedling facial as well as various body treatments I have had here to .I always leave with a glow and get compliments highly reccomend x


Five-star experience!
Couldn’t recommend Angela (Emporium) more highly! I’ve be going for bespoke facials for a number of years and have always felt a truly pampered. The facials are tailored to your skin type and she is *the best* at milia removal. Angela has always been able to accommodate appointments around my work schedule, and at short notice, and I’ve been more than happy to recommend to friends.


I’ve been going to Angela for the last 25/30 years. In between I’ve tried other places and practitioners but always end up going back to Emporium. Angela understands my skin, right from the beginning when I had acne and pigmentation to now where my skin needs are different. I appreciate her experience and knowledge, my skin looks and feels great. Highly recommend.


Angela’s facials have literally transformed my skin. I met Angela back in October last year, and my only regret is not going to see her sooner. My skin was ruined by a couple of badly chosen laser treatments earlier in the year and after my first facial with Angela I felt so much better about myself, she cleared my skin completely and made me love it again! I think I’m a little addicted to her treatments now, she knows a lot about skin care and tailors the facial to exactly what your skin needs. I’m so happy to have found her. 5/5 review from me!


Excellent Milia Removal
Attended Emporium Treatment Clinic for milia removal. Great experience – friendly, well-priced and effective. Will definitely be recommending to friends.


Angela is a fantastic practitioner and a lovely person. I’ve had many successful facials and treatments with her over the past few years. I trust her advice completely. She’s never pushed any treatments or products, but is always open to suggesting new solutions.



What our customers say


”Angela always provides the best service, no matter which of the many treatments you choose. Booking is a breeze, and punctuality is proven. My chosen treatment was conducted quickly, professionally, and thoroughly. The results consistently exceed my expectations! I always look forward to my next appointment.”


Get In Touch To Book Your Treatment

We will then get back to you to organise a call back or an appointment day and time.