Sports Therapy

Homeopathic Medicine or, Homeopathy is the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick. It is a complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) with a holistic approach as it treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a diseased part or a labelled sickness. Homeopathy is a “treatment” based on the use of highly diluted substances, which are known to cause the body to heal itself.
Are You A Suitable Candidate For Homeopathic Medicine?

Please read the information below carefully to evaluate if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.

Please consult with your practitioner or GP if you are in any doubt.

A consultation is essential prior to taking this treatment.

A complimentary telephone consultation is available, which will enable your practitioner to assess your medical history, your concerns and your personal goals. We can then discuss the desired treatment/s options.


Pre Treatment

Homeopathy treatment involves taking a detailed case of your past, present, medical, and family history, including your current emotional state. You will be asked to complete a patient questionnaire and to note any medication or supplements that you are currently taking.

There no contra-indications or medical precautions.

More FAQs

What is Homepathy?

Homeopathy, founded in the 19th century is a practice that is based on the concept that disease can be treated with minute doses of drugs thought capable of producing in healthy people the same symptoms as those of the disease being treated.

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole, mentally, emotionally and physically.
There is increasing evidence to support the idea that how you are feeling psychologically can have a direct impact on your physical health. Emotional stress caused by grief, shock, abandonment, mental exhaustion or major life-changes can leave us drained and prone to illness; stress has been linked to decreased functioning of the immune system and an increased risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Homeopathy stimulates the body’s own natural healing mechanism.

Homeopathic Medicine: The Holistic approach

Homeopathic medicine treats the person as a whole, rather than treating specific conditions in isolation. This ‘holistic’ approach is one of the main differences between homeopathy and conventional medicine. For example, if you were suffering from claustrophobia, depression, and backache, the conventional route might involve separate courses of treatment from different specialists. By contrast a homeopath will consider all symptoms together as a whole (whether mental, emotional, or physical), possibly addressing them with a single prescription.

The mind-body link

Emotional stress caused by grief, shock, abandonment, mental exhaustion or major life-changes can leave us drained and prone to illness. Stress has been linked to decreased functioning of the immune system and an increased risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Homeopathy stimulates the body’s own natural healing mechanism.

What will the Homeopathic Medicine treatment involve?

Your Homeopathic consultant will ask you to complete a detailed questionnaire, including your medical and family history. You will be asked to list any medications or supplements that you may currently be taking.

A confidential, in-depth consultation follows, from which all your aspects of your health, including past medical history, lifestyle, personality type and current health problems.
The initial consultations can take up to 60-90 minutes, whilst follow up appointments are generally shorter. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed to you by our homeopath and this can be in the form of pillules. Your Homeopath will explain to you the instructions on how to take the remedies.

Why consider Homeopathy & what can Homeopathy be used for?

Homeopathic Medicine can help you to understand and take control of how your body works, and to resolve issues from their root cause rather than temporary ‘quick fixes’. It empowers through helping to understand and explore the relationship between body and mind, showing how conflicting attitudes, fears and repressed feelings can all directly influence the body and its functioning.

Homeopathy can be used for most ailments ranging from:

  • Trauma, Stress & Depression
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Anxiety, Anticipation & Panic attacks
  • PMS, Menstrual & Menopausal
  • Infertility, Pregnancy & Babies
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) & other digestive complaints
  • Allergies, Eczema & other skin complaints.

How many Homeopathic Medicine sessions do I need?

This depends very much on what condition you have and its severity. For long-standing conditions a course of treatment may be needed. As a guideline, you can typically expect to see a homeopath once a month for three months to begin with.

How quickly will I see the results?

You will see and feel results within your first course of remedies and progressively improve your health on a truly holistic level.

How long will the results last?

Once you have improved your mental, emotional and physical health, you should vibrate on an improved frequency, depending, however, on your lifestyle, stress levels and nutrition. Your homeopath will advise you with recommendations.

What are the side effects of Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathy is non-toxic and here are no side effects.

Is Homeopathy safe?

Homeopathic treatment has an excellent robust (4,5) safety record and because homeopathic medicines are not associated with any unwanted side effects and are non-toxic they can be used in cases involving adults, the elderly, babies, children, during pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding.

Scientific evidence that homeopathy works

There are high-quality randomised clinical trials available, demonstrating that Homeopathy is clinically effective beyond placebo in the treatment of hay fever and upper respiratory tract infections, such as ear infections and sinusitis. Furthermore, a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) report on homeopathy commissioned by the Swiss government has concluded that homeopathy is clinically safe.

Did you know?

Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world. Over 200 million people use it worldwide.

In India more than 100 million people depend solely on homeopathy for their healthcare.

Prince Charles is a user of homeopathy has spoken out in favour of integrated healthcare. The Queen is a patron of the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (formerly the London Homeopathic Hospital)

Many personalities are among the users of homeopathy, including Paul McCartney, David Beckham, Susan Hampshire, Tina Turner, Louise Jameson, Gaby Roslin, Jude Law, Sadie Frost, Nadia Sawalha, Jennifer Aniston, Roger Daltry, Olivia Newton John, Jenny Seagrove and Helena Bonham Carter.

Tina Turner wrote in her autobiography:
“Life in the fast lane wore me down, changes in my diet and homeopathy saved me.”


Any views or advice obtained via this website should not be taken as a substitute
for medical advice or treatment, especially if you are aware of, or suffer from, a specific health complaint.​

We recommend that you maintain your relationship with your GP as Homeopathy and conventional medicine can be integrated when necessary to provide complementary services. Your GP will also be able to arrange any diagnostic procedures you may need, and provide emergency cover.

The information on this website is written WITHOUT PREJUDICE

After Care

Your Homeopath will advise you on lifestyle and nutrition, empowering you with positive mind body links. As a team you can work together to improve your health and wellbeing.

Advice & tips for a greater sense of wellbeing

  • Drink at least 1 to 2 liters of water daily to support the body functions.
  • Chose a healthier eating plan best suited to you and your lifestyle.
  • Eat a balanced diet of foods you like each day.
  • Include a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins.
  • Also include a variety of wholegrains, essential fats and minerals.
  • Add some herbs & spices to experience their powerful properties.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Take good quality health supplements to support your diet & lifestyle.
  • Aid your gut heath to support your brain health and other systems. 
  • Move more, take up regular exercise.
  • Include stretching into your exercise regime.
  • Do activities you enjoy.
  • Try ‘forest bathing’ (popular in Japan ‘shinrin-yoku’); reap the benefits
  • Take time out to relax.
  • Be mindful to be in the moment.
  • Try to practice Meditation, Yoga, Qigong or such like.
  • Take time out from digital devices.
  • Soak away muscle tension & stress in a hot mineral salt bath.
  • Infuse essential oils to promote calm & relaxation.
  • Avoid your digital devices several hours prior to sleeping.
  • Aim for 8 hours sleep each night.
  • Be positive, laugh & be happy.
  • Go easy on yourself.
  • Balance emotions
Price & Practitioner

Online or In Person 1 1/2 hr Session  £170
Follow Up Session £120
Remedies Priced Upon Prescription

Independent Practitioner: Sameena Azam


Some years ago, I was lost, mind, body & soul. I asked Spirit to guide me on my healing path & there I met Sameena. She truly helped me change my life for the better. She excels at all that she does from being a brilliant homeopath & reiki master to building clinics in the Gambia. She has attained mastery level as a multidimensional being, there is no limit to her power, love, kindness and wide range of healing arts. (S.Y Ibiza)

I have been suffering with chronic headaches and migraine attacks for the past 10 years, no medicine helped via pharmacy!
Since Sameena prescribed me with homeopathic medication after a short consultation my symptoms reduced significantly. Thank you for your great help. (Z.I London)

After being thoroughly disappointed with the limited treatments available via the NHS; I decided in 2005 to look into alternative remedies and found Sameena Azam, ever since I have not looked back and continue to visit whenever my family and I require a remedy.

Sameena’s professional and empathetic approach has enabled us to consider the root cause of an ailment; her remedies have always been effective and positive. A session with Sameena is much needed therapy as it involves beneficial counselling and motivational coaching. It was for these reasons I asked Sameena to be my birthing partner, her presence brought calmness as she guided me through the birth and massaged my aching back throughout. I cannot thank Sameena enough for making such a difficult task so manageable. I highly recommend Sameena’s services. (T.A London)

Sameena, no words can describe how better I am feeling these days since I started my treatment with you Alhamdulillah. I have been suffering from severe allergies for the past 25 years on and off. But now it’s all under control thanks to your expertise and care. So happy I have met you at the right time. Thank Sameena, keep the great work going.  (H.P  London)

I refer to Sameena as my naturopathic ‘doctor’, helping me with all my ailments. With her sympathetic caring nature, coupled with her vast knowledge, the consultations are very therapeutic and reassuring.

A huge thank you for getting my baby back on track and now leading a normal life after suffering from severe eczema, which hindered his progress. With Sameena’s help he’s now leading a normal happy childhood. (K.A Birmingham)

Sameena is a hardworking focused individual.  Her knowledge of homeopathy and healing are second to none. I have found her to be professional and her ability to tune into you is just amazing. I have left on every occasion after my treatments full of energy and hope. The feeling you have around her is of peace and tranquillity within yourself…just an amazing talented person.  (M.V, London)

I have found the homeopathic medication has really helped in balance my hormones, my skin has improved dramatically and where I have struggled to lose weight I have seen great improvement.
Thank you for all your help, amazing woman! (H.I London)

I feel very comfortable with Sameena and appreciate her time and sacrifice I really do feel she’s genuinely enthusiastic in helping her clients and she has a good reputation as an experienced homeopath (R.K Saudia Arabia)

“I have been a sceptic of Homeopathy – until I came across Sameena. Witnessing first hand results under Sameena’s care has been life changing. I have been pleasantly surprised with the positive results under her care, and her willingness to go above and beyond for her clients. Sameena is one of those very few Practitioners who are genuinely in the field to help others, and not make money”. (E.C London)

After suffering from Underactive Thyroid condition for six years, I was recommended to see a Homeopath for treatment as my symptoms increased due to side effects of taking Levothyroxine tablets. I was told by my GP to take the tablets for life which was very disturbing for me. Within a year I was back to being myself and in good health again. Homeopathic remedies made a big difference and I’m very grateful I am no longer on Levothyroxine medication and my thyroid level is now in balance. I also suffered serve hay fever from childhood, by taking homeopathic remedies I experience immediate relief and no longer suffer the harsh sneezing and itchy eyes.
Homeopathy is my first port of call for any condition, I know how fast acting and healing it can be, I also have a chance to voice all my concerns at my regular consultations. The homeopathic approach to health, along with vitamins and herbal supplement according to my needs, has made a big difference in my life.
I recommend Sameena to all my family and friends. Have a good homeopath is the key. Sameena has very deep knowledge and experience with homeopathy and she has been my homeopath for past 14 years. I would recommend Sameena Azam to anybody who wants to get better through homeopathy. (N.A London)

Re panic attacks…With the medication you have given me it has calmed me down I don’t panic as much. For last month and half we (husband) just had one argument. So it’s working. A big thank you for your help. (H.B London)

After my 3rd child, my sciatica became so severe, I was not able to walk unaided. Thanks to homeopathy, I can walk my children to school and take my one year old child to the park, enjoying every moment. I now feel revitalised and full of energy (T.A London)

I could not wash my hands without having a reactions, my arms and my legs had huge dark patches that were itchy and watering, I had reoccurring boils all over my body and had basically give up when I came to Sameena and just under about a year I can function normally, I didn’t think I’d be so grateful to have soft hands. I’m not 100% but definitely on the road. I am a lot aware of myself and self-care I can see how quickly my body reacts to my environment and emotions. Homeopathy is a way of life that needs to be taught at a young age. (T.Q London)

…Through our life experiences we grow into different forms of beings no longer ourselves, as there is so much interaction between us and everything around us. We lose touch with the natural reasoning that can heal ourselves, thus our healing process. I feel having found homeopathy; I found myself and my body again. (H.B London)

Homeopathic Medicine Marylebone

What our customers say

I have never felt better or had an experience like this. As a result of my Acupuncture and Herbal treatments I no longer suffer any of my prevailing issues. I highly recommend Debbie as your practitioner.

What our customers say

I have been having weekly acupuncture sessions with Debbie for a few months now – she has really helped to address the areas that drove me to my first appointment and I’ve also noticed improvements in my sleep and overall health. I have found her very professional and really value her knoweldge, advice and insights. I would highly recommend her.


What our customers say

After walking in with a stiff neck aching shoulder and several other ailments with acupuncture and cupping the pressure and tension has now been released and I can walk with my head held up high and straight 🤣 Thank you Debbie


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