Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy

A Sports & Rehabilitation session will typically involve several key steps aimed at addressing your specific injury or helping you recover from surgery to get you back to your movement safely and effectively.

Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy ensures full functional movement through an evolving program of massage techniques, stretches and exercises.

It helps restore strength, endurance and power. It also improves balance and flexibility, as well as enhancing tissue and joint awareness (proprioception).

Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy is not just for athletes; anyone leading an active, healthy life or recovering could benefit from this type of therapy to keep their body in check.

The regular use of a Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy can prevent a variety of injuries.

Are You A Suitable Candidate For Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy?

Please read the information below carefully to evaluate if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.

Please consult with your practitioner or GP if you are in any doubt.

A consultation is essential prior to taking this treatment.

A complimentary telephone consultation is available, which will enable your practitioner to assess your medical history, your concerns and your personal goals. We can then discuss the desired treatment/s options.


Pre Treatment

A pre-treatment confidential health screening questionnaire will be sent to you, along with email confirmation of your booking, to ascertain the presence of any contraindications to alert your practitioner of certain techniques that may not be able to be performed.

It’s important to talk to your doctor before receiving this treatment if you have certain health conditions such as blood clots or infections. In the case of patients presenting with cancer-related lymphoedema or metastatic cancer, a consultant’s permission is required.

Our practitioner will also carry out a thorough discussion and assessment to identify your improvement goals.

More FAQs

What does Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy involve?

The session will begin with a consultation and initial assessment where the practitioner will gather information about your injury or rehabilitation goals. This may involve discussing:

  • The nature of your injury, including when it occurred and how it happened.
  • Any pain you’re experiencing, its location, and severity.
  • Your medical history and any past injuries.
  • Your sport or physical activity level.
  • Your overall goals for rehabilitation.

The practitioner will perform a physical examination to assess your range of motion, strength, flexibility, stability, and any specific limitations related to your injury
Based on the assessment, the practitioner will design a personalised treatment plan that may incorporate various techniques.

Manual therapy which can involve techniques like massage, joint mobilisation, and soft tissue manipulation to improve flexibility, reduce pain, and promote healing.

The practitioner will generally prescribe specific therapeutic exercises to improve your strength, range of motion, stability, and balance. These exercises will gradually progress in difficulty as you heal.

The practitioner may incorporate various modalities to include techniques like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, or hot/cold therapy may be used to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Kinesio taping or other taping techniques may be used for additional support, pain relief, or to promote proper movement patterns.

The practitioner will aim to educate you about your injury, the healing process, and how to manage your condition at home with the most appropriate after care management techniques. This might include;

  • Proper stretching and strengthening exercises to perform on your own.
  • Understanding activity modification strategies to prevent further injury and promote healing.
  • Guidance on pain management.

What is a Sports & Rehabilitation practitioner?

A highly sought after Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy practitioner is a trained professional who has completed advance training with a minimum 3-year degree, accredited by the Sports Therapy Association (STA).

Why do Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy session?                                                                                                

  • Struggling with nagging aches & pains.
  • Unable to pick things up without experiencing sharp pain.
  • Pain is stopping you from playing your favourite sport or going to the gym.
  • Back ache
  • Localised pain
  • Aches
  • Weak muscles
  • Inflexible
  • Stiff joints
  • Arthritis
  • Feeling stiff
  • Want to improve your performance
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Post injury
  • Post illness
  • Stroke
  • Cerebral palsy

We treat clients from all demographics, ages, mobility and fitness level, each looking to improve the way their body feels.

It is always best to treat your issue now before it gets worse and prevents you from leading an active and fulfilling life.

Does it hurt?

Each individual has varied pain threshold to the Sports & Rehabilitation techniques. If you experience any discomfort, always communicate with your practitioner. Care is taken to adjust the techniques to suit you to make it as comfortable as possible.

How many sessions do I need?

The duration and frequency of your sessions will depend on the severity of your injury and your individual needs. Some people may only need a few sessions, while others may require ongoing rehabilitation for weeks or months to achieve desired results.

A program will be progressively modified as you improve. The practitioner will track your progress and adjust the exercises and treatment techniques as needed.

Follow-up sessions will be scheduled to monitor your progress, ensure you’re performing exercises correctly, and address any new concerns that may arise.

How quickly will I see the results?

You will feel results immediately after a single treatment and progressively after each session during a course of treatments.

It’s important to be patient and committed to your rehabilitation program. Recovery takes time, and consistent effort is crucial for optimal results.

By working collaboratively with your Sports & Rehabilitation practitioner, you can effectively address your injury and safely return to your favourite sport or activities feeling stronger and more confident.

How long will results last?

Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy is a powerful treatment and results are usually long term. However, this depends on factors such as underlying health issues, how one cares for oneself post treatment, stress, hormone influences and lifestyle. Once the patient goal has been attained, maintenance treatments may be scheduled either monthly, quarterly or yearly.

What are the side effects?

Depending on the patients’ condition, it is possible to experience tiredness or increased energy after treatment, as we are moving the body whilst the process of healing is taking place.

Is the treatment safe?

Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy is a safe and effective treatment to reduce pain, promote better mobility and healing potentially leading to various health benefits. However, it’s important to manage expectations and approach it as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical care when necessary.

Suitable for adults and children.


Any views or advice obtained via this website should not be taken as a substitute
for medical advice or treatment, especially if you are aware of, or suffer from, a specific health complaint.​

We recommend that you maintain your relationship with your GP as Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy and conventional medicine can be integrated when necessary to provide complementary services. Your GP will also be able to arrange any diagnostic procedures you may need, and provide emergency cover.

The information on this website is written WITHOUT PREJUDICE

After Care

Following the session Rehabilitation advice is provided which forms part of your treatment plan.

This may include stretches, functional exercises and health tips to do at home, all of which can help restore wellness, strength, flexibility and awareness within tissues and joints.

Price & Practitioner

Health Strategy Call
15 mins – Free

Deep Tissue Massage 60 minutes – £90

Deep Tissue Massage 45 minutes – £75

Advanced Sports Massage 60 minutes – £95

Advanced Sports Massage 45 minutes – £75

Initial Treatment for Strength and Conditioning 60 minutes – £110
[includes consultation to understand your condition(s) and full physical examination to further diagnose your condition(s). A personalised, combination treatment plan will be formulated for you. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing for this session]

Strength and Conditioning 45 minutes – £85
[Please wear loose, comfortable clothing for this session]

Packages available.

Hope Spring Clinic Other Services:

Click on each service for full details.

Naturopathic Medicine
Functional Laboratory Testing
Women’s Health MOT
Women’s Fertility MOT
Men’s Health MOT
IV Drip Therapy
Medical Thermography
Nutritional Therapy
Manual Lymphatic Drainage


Hope Spring Clinic Practitioners:

Aliyyaa Spring-Charles BSc (Hons) ND MRN
Naturopathic Medicine, Immuno-Oncology,
Manual Lymphatic Massage, Nutritional Therapy
Functional Laboratory Testing

Maria Liberos
Infusions, Injections, Phlebotomy Services

Dr. Vasileiadis MD FRCP

Katerina Burianek MSc, DCHAc, CCosD

Loulla Antoniou ARH, CMA, IAMT, NAANT
Medical Thermography

Aaron Lewis BSc (Hons), mSTA
Sports & Rehabilitation Therapy

Ala Taylor DipCNM, mBANT, mCNHC
Nutitional Therapy, Clinic Administrator


Bonnie’s Story

“In September 2016 my 11-year-old son was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma; a type of brain tumour. The diagnosis was late and he underwent a round of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I wanted to find someone to help him transition to complementary medicine as by the time he had left the hospital he was on 10 different medications. I was so relieved when I found Aliyyaa as she was so experienced in Oncology and willing to help advise re natural treatments whereas many other doctors had refused to help.

My son has made amazing progress since seeing Aliyyaa and I have seen a massive change in him both physically and emotionally. Since coming off so many of the originally prescribed medicines from the hospital and introducing natural medicines into his daily life he has had a healthy and steady weight loss and amazing improvement in his energy levels and mobility.

Finding Aliyyaa was an answer to prayer, and we no longer felt alone during this challenging period of our lives. I was also so relieved that finding Aliyyaa has meant we have not had to travel abroad for treatment.”

Jessica’s Story*

“Having been diagnosed with lymphoma in my early 50s, I have very regularly been attending Aliyyaa’s clinic for naturopathy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).  I have found Aliyyaa professional, knowledgeable, caring and supportive. She is genuinely interested in the welfare of her patients and actively seeks to provide a comprehensive and bespoke programme of treatment tailored to individual’s needs. I always feel better for having seen Aliyyaa and would have no hesitation in recommending her to others.”

*not her real name

Dana’s Story

“Aliyyaa, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done to improve Jacob’s health and wellbeing. You have impacted on all our lives in the most positive of ways.

We first came to see you at a very worrying and stressful time. Jacob was very unwell with stomach ache and migraines occurring daily. He had already missed a lot of school and there seemed to be no end in sight. Having taken him to our GP, to no avail, we were at our wit’s end.

Thankfully you were there to offer immediate good advice. Within a couple of weeks Jacob was feeling better and returned to school. It was a difficult journey but your care, knowledge, understanding, patience and practical advice, not to mention your kindness and good humour made a huge difference to all of us. You have an amazing ability to take your wealth of knowledge and make it accessible for not only adults but children alike.

Thank you. Everyone should have an Aliyyaa in their life! I don’t wish ill health on our family but I do look forward to seeing you again.”

Sylvie’s Story

“Just a quick note to say thank you Aliyyaa. I know we have a long way to go to get me back on track, but I have really been thinking about doing everything you have said and the advice you have given me and while things are still very tough at home, I am already learning to make small changes that have a big impact on how I feel in myself and my life.

In the past years, I have seen so many doctors, psychologists, physios, osteopaths etc., so many specialists and yet nobody listened to me as you do. You treat me like a person, not a number, and you help me where I need help as an individual and not as another person on the list who’ll end up with a one-size-fits-all treatment just to get me out of your treatment room until the next patient.

So I really wanted to email you to say thanks and let you know how I felt because I feel that for the first time in my life, I have come to the right place and found someone who really cares about helping me get back to a healthy state at every level, physically and mentally, and for that I am really grateful to you. I know there’s lots to look at and to be done but I do feel positive that your help is what I needed and feel like I can trust you.”

Sharon’s Story

“I was tired all the time, fatigued and debilitated. I didn’t know if I would be able to get through the day, from one day to the next. My GP wanted me to wait 3 months before doing any proper examinations and I simply could not go through 3 months of this before anyone was ready to take my symptoms seriously.

So I turned to Aliyyaa, and she was a lifesaver, she helped me at a time when no one else would. She took my symptoms seriously ­ even took note of small changes in the body that GPs usually dismiss. She sat and spoke to me at length about what I was going through and my medical history. She is warm and easy to talk to and enabled me to open up to her quickly.

It was such a relief to finally find someone who took me seriously and understood what I was going through. By reading the signs my body was giving out, Aliyyaa helped me in a way that no conventional GP could or would. She eased me gently into a different lifestyle and dietary changes ­ not pushing any change too quickly. She made sure to only give me changes that were manageable.

Three months later I am like a different person ­ energetic, happy and full of life. I look fresh and vital. Most importantly, I understand my body’s signals and how to respond to them. I have already recommended Aliyyaa to friends and family, and highly recommend her to anyone who wants to feel good and be in charge of their body.”

Jeyda’s Story

“Aliyyaa is treating me for a number of very complex autoimmune conditions: ankylosing spondylitis, uveitis, Crohn’s. We are currently looking into possible root causes or aggravating factors that may be driving my condition. She has advised me on how to reduce certain triggers and stressors that may be negatively impacting my health.

Aliyyaa has also really helped in giving me alternative treatments to counteract the negative effects that years of conventional medicine has had on my body paying particular attention to liver and eye health.

I feel extremely comfortable and confident under her care – she has been amazing in supporting me with all my health issues and in answering any questions I have with expertise and great knowledge. Aliyyaa is very easy to talk to and always gives effective advice and solutions to any problems.

It has been such a relief having Aliyyaa as my naturopathic practitioner. She was highly recommended to me by a friend and I am so grateful to Aliyyaa for doing such a wonderful job.”

Karen’s Story

“On first meeting Aliyyaa I felt instantly connected her aura and kindness. She listened to my issues and this was the first step towards a positive future. Aliyyaa was very thorough, and after extensive tests, knew how to treat my health issues.

I had malabsorption due to Morphine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories after being on them 5 years. With the vitamins prescribed, and Aliyyaa’s helpful advice, I now have a healed gut. Aliyyaa is an extremely clever Naturopath and most importantly, Aliyyaa listened to me.”

Hiroko’s Story

“Having been brought up with Eastern, holistic medicine, I immediately resonated with Aliyyaa’s approach to supporting my health issues. She displays a wonderful combination of extensive knowledge of the human body, pragmatism and compassion.

I found her sessions immensely supportive when I was going through a difficult time.  She provided me with practical, manageable advice at each time – be it supplements, dietary changes or changes in habit- which helped me to restore my own balance. Along with countless bits of small advice given along the way, and changes I could implement in my daily life, what I’ve learnt most from her is to listen to my body, so as to trust my own healing capacities within.”

Genoveva’s Story

“I meet Aliyyaa over a year ago and she helped me with my health condition more than I could ever express in words. Following her help and great advice, my life totally changed and my health improved considerably.

I tried for many years to understand and solve my health issues which affected my life in so many ways but nothing seemed to work. I almost gave up on living a proper life when God put her in my way and my life changed ever since. I feel blessed and so grateful for all her help and kindness. I feel healthier than ever in my life and it is all her input. She is intuitive, knowledgeable and truly understands the person in front of her.

I trust and recommend Aliyyaa’s services with all my heart. She’s incredible and I own my life to her! Thank you Aliyyaa for helping me through this complicated process and God bless you!”


Homeopathic Medicine Marylebone

What our customers say

“Aliyyaa, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done to improve Jacob’s health and wellbeing. You have impacted on all our lives in the most positive of ways.”

What our customers say

“Having been diagnosed with lymphoma in my early 50s, I have very regularly been attending Aliyyaa’s clinic for naturopathy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).  I have found Aliyyaa professional, knowledgeable, caring and supportive. She is genuinely interested in the welfare of her patients and actively seeks to provide a comprehensive and bespoke programme of treatment tailored to individual’s needs. ”


What our customers say

“Just a quick note to say thank you Aliyyaa. I know we have a long way to go to get me back on track, but I have really been thinking about doing everything you have said and the advice you have given me and while things are still very tough at home, I am already learning to make small changes that have a big impact on how I feel in myself and my life.”


Get In Touch To Book Your Treatment

We will then get back to you to organise a call back or an appointment day and time.