Spring Clean Your Skincare Routine

Apr 1, 2023 | Skin Care

Finally, we are officially out of the dreary winter months and into the spring season. What a joy to wake up to lighter mornings, have the longer days, and even enjoy a glimmer of sunshine.

There is a sense of renewed energy in spring, which awakens the trees and spring flowers. All around us life starts to blossom and look brighter. Spring is definitely a time to consider spring cleaning your skin care regime to feel fresher and brighter too!

During each season there are significant environmental changes, which means that modifications to your skin care regime may be required to reflect them. Think about putting your winter products away, just like you would your woolly hat and scarf.

Here are a few typical FAQ’s relating to skincare in spring.

Do I need to change my face cleanser?
If you notice your skin starting to look more congested or you are getting breakouts, then your cleanser may need to be replaced to a more refining type to achieve clearer skin. Another option is to take the oral supplement Viridian’s ‘Clear Skin Complex’ (Veg caps) to support skin health.

Learn more, click to read the full article:
‘Why Cleansing Your Skin Is Essential’

Should I exfoliate my skin more frequently in spring?
During the cold winter months one can become remiss about exfoliating, whilst layering on a thicker moisturiser. Exfoliating your skin will lift those dull, dead, sluggish skin cells to give a new vibrant boost and a spring clean glow.

To learn more click to read the full articles:
‘Skin Exfoliation Explained’
‘Exfoliate Types Explained’
‘Is Exfoliation Safe For The Skin’

Do I need to change my face moisturiser?
Changes of seasons means changes in humidity levels. In spring the air is less dry, which can affect how the skin holds onto moisture. A lighter moisturiser would be a great choice to keep the skin hydrated and prevent skin congestion. Speak to a professional skin care aesthetician for guidance.

Should I use a serum in spring instead of a moisturiser?
A serum tends to be formulated with a high percentage of active ingredients, which are intended for a specific purpose. These can include hyaluronic acid to rehydrate the skin and vitamin c to repair and rejuvenate. Post serum application always apply a moisturiser suited to your skin condition to seal in the serums, moisturise and protect the skin.

Do I need to use an SPF product now it’s spring time?
It is advised to apply an SPF all year round to protect the skin from all UV exposure including HEV light emitted from device screens, which we tend to use all year round. A higher SPF would be advisable to apply daily from around March, as one tends to spend more time outdoors and thus a higher risk of exposure to the powerful spring/summer sun. During long UV exposure times re-apply every 2 hours.

If you are prone to hyperpigmentation select a high SPF skin care product all year round. There are some formulated with specific de-pigmenting ingredients to reduce the present pigment, as well as anti-enzyme inhibitors to prevent pigment from re- developing. My choice is the Mesoestetic SPF130.

To learn more click to read the full articles:

‘How To Be Safe In The Sun’
‘How to Prevent & Treat Pigmentation’
‘Ageing Skin Caused By Sun’

I suffer from sensitive skin and hay fever, what can help my skin during this time?
During spring we spend more time outdoors exposed to the elements. Pollen is an environmental factor during spring and can cause skin irritation and sensitivity. Use products to sooth and calm the skin, along with anti- oxidant ingredients to defend the skin from such negative attacks. Discuss your concerns with a professional skin care aesthetician to ascertain the most beneficial products to suit your needs.

Consider taking Viridian’s oral supplements as soon as spring starts to reduce hay fever symptoms.
Quercetin B5 Plus Complex (Veg caps)
Organic Black Seed Oil (Veg caps)

To learn more click to read the full article:

‘Combat Allergies & Sensitive Skin’

Should I consider a facial treatment in spring?
Spring time is always a great time to jump start your new skin care regime. Select a treatment that incorporates a cleanse, exfoliant, deep pore extraction, and lots of hydration to brighten up your lack lustre winter skin.

Skincare Best Facial Treatments
Emporium Bespoke Facial Treatment
Skin Storm 6 Elements – Hydrafacial
Chemical Peel with Steam & Pore Extraction
Blemisderm® Acne Skin Peels
Herbal Green Peel – Facial Treatments
Laser Skin Care

Should I change my make-up applicators at spring time?
It is always the better option to wash your applicators regularly throughout the year and replace them as they wear out.

Is spring a good time to start Laser Hair Removal?
Laser Hair Removal is always the better option to remove hair and achieve silky smooth skin, any time of year.
Why not contact the practitioner for the latest offers. Click Here

Skin Care Advice
With over 35+ years, The Emporium Treatment Clinic senior aesthetician and wellness advocate, Angela is here to provide skin care advice on how to help you keep your skin healthy, radiant and youthful.

If you are nearby to Marylebone, why not pop in, 90 York Street.

Contact Angela for a free chat about any of your concerns.

Contact: 07930661971

Skin care products I trust & recommend:
Dermalogica & Mesoestetic


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Author: Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic. A practising Aesthetician for 35+ years, holistic and wellbeing advocate and yoga instructor. The creator of Yoga & Vitality.




Skin Care & Body Analysis & Consultation
Available at Emporium Treatment Clinic provided by Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic and practising Aesthetician for 35+ years

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